Peer-reviewed publications:
2024 (*indicates co-lead authorship):
PhD Thesis:
Cryogenian iron formations: glaciation and oxygenation
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne (2019)
Supervisors: A/Prof Malcolm Wallace, Dr. Ashleigh van Smeerdijk Hood
2024 (*indicates co-lead authorship):
- Lechte M., Halverson G., Wallace M., Gibson T., Hood A.v.S., Wang C.L., Bui T.H., Maloney K., Millikin A. (2024) Oolitic ironstones, continental iron flux and reverse weathering in the Proterozoic Eon: Insights from the Tonian Katherine Group, Yukon. Earth-Science Reviews,
- Lei Xu, Maxwell Lechte, Xiaoying Shi, Wang Zheng, Limin Zhou, Kangjun Huang, Xiqiang Zhou, Dongjie Tang (2024) Large Igneous Province Emplacement Triggered an Oxygenation Event at∼ 1.4 Ga: Evidence From Mercury and Paleo‐Productivity Proxies. Geophysical Research Letters,
- Baozeng Xie, Maxwell Lechte, Xiaoying Shi, Xi Wang, Limin Zhou, Xiqiang Zhou, Kang‐Jun Huang, Zhenfei Wang, Xinqiang Wang, Dongjie Tang (2024) Marine aluminum phosphate–sulfate authigenesis as a phosphorus sink during mid‐Proterozoic oxygenation. Geophysical Research Letters,
- Riedman L., Porter S., Lechte M., dos Santos A., Halverson G. (2023) Early eukaryotic microfossils of the late Palaeoproterozoic Limbunya Group, Birrindudu Basin, northern Australia. Papers in Palaeontology,
- Wang C.L., Robbins J., Planavsky N., Beukes N., Patry L., Lalonde S., Lechte M., Asael D, Reinhard C., Zhang L.C., Konhauser O. (2023) Archean to early Paleoproterozoic iron formations document a transition in iron oxidation mechanisms. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta,
- Yi-Sheng Yin, Guang-Yi Wei, Philip AE Pogge von Strandmann, Maxwell A Lechte, Simon V Hohl, Yi-Bo Lin, Da Li, Tianyu Chen, Tao Yang, Feifei Zhang, Terry T Isson, He Zhang, Yuanfeng Cai, Hong-Fei Ling (2023) Widespread clay authigenesis and highly congruent silicate weathering in the Marinoan aftermath. Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
- Wang, C.L.*, Lechte, M.*, Reinhard, C.T., Asael, D., Cole, D.B., Halverson, G.P., Porter, S.M., Galili, N., Halevy, I., Rainbird, R.H., Lyons, T.W., Planavsky, N.J. (2022) Strong evidence for a weakly oxygenated ocean–atmosphere system during the Proterozoic. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.2116101119
- O'Connell, B., Wallace, M.W., Hood, A.vS., Lechte, M.A., Mahon, E.M. (2022) Nearshore environments before the evolution of land plants. Precambrian Research,
- Ma J., Shi X., Lechte, M., Zhou X., Wang Z., Huang K., Rudmin, M., Tang D. (2022) Marine authigenic glauconite–berthierine supports enhanced reverse weathering in the Mesoproterozoic. American Mineralogist
- Hood, A.vS., Penman, D., Lechte, M., Wallace, M., Giddings, J., Planavsky, N. (2022) Neoproterozoic syn-glacial carbonate precipitation and implications for a snowball Earth. Geobiology. doi: 10.1111/gbi.12470.
- Sun L., Lechte, M., Shi X., Zhou X., Zhou L., Fang H., Xie B., Wu M., Tang D. (2021) Hexagonal magnetite in Algoma-type banded iron formations of the ca. 2.52 Ga Baizhiyan Formation (Wutai Group, North China): evidence for a green rust precursor? American Mineralogist
- Wei B., Tang D., Shi X., Lechte, M., Zhou L., Zhou X. and Song H., 2021. A pulsed oxygenation in terminal Paleoproterozoic ocean: Evidence from the transition between the Chuanlinggou and Tuanshanzi formations, North China. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22(5), doi: p.e2020GC009612.
- Maloney, K.M., Halverson, G.P., Schiffbauer, J.D., Xiao, S., Gibson, T.M., Lechte, M.A., Cumming, V.M., Millikin, A.E., Murphy, J.G., Wallace, M.W. and Selby, D., 2021. New multicellular marine macroalgae from the early Tonian of northwestern Canada. Geology, 49(6), doi:
- Fang H., Tang, D., Shi X., Lechte, M., Shang M., Zhou X., Yu W. (2020) Manganese-rich deposits in the Mesoproterozoic Gaoyuzhuang Formation (ca. 1.58 Ga), North China platform: Genesis and paleoenvironmental implications. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109966
- O'Connell, B., Wallace, M.W., van Smeerdijk Hood, A., Lechte, M.A. & Planavsky, N.J. (2019) Iron-rich carbonate tidal deposits, Angepena Formation, South Australia: A redox-stratified Cryogenian basin. Precambrian Research, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2020.105668
- Tang D., Ma J., Shi X., Lechte, M. & Zhou X. (2020) The formation of marine red beds and iron cycling on the Mesoproterozoic North China Platform. American Mineralogist.
- Lechte, M.A., Wallace, M.W., van Smeerdijk Hood, A., Li, W., Jiang, G., Halverson, G.P., Asael, D., McColl, S.L. & Planavsky, N.J. (2019) Subglacial meltwater supported aerobic marine habitats during Snowball Earth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, doi: 10.1073/pnas.1909165116
- Wei G., Ling H.-F., Shields, G., Chen T., Lechte, M., Chen X., Qiu C., Lei H. & Zhu M. (2019) Long-term evolution of terrestrial inputs from the Ediacaran to early Cambrian: clues from Nd isotopes in shallow-marine carbonates, South China. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, doi: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.109367
- Lechte, M.A., Wallace, M.W., van Smeerdijk Hood, A. & Planavsky, N. (2018) Cryogenian iron formations in the glaciogenic Kingston Peak Formation, California. Precambrian Research, 310, p.443-462, doi: 10.1016/j.precamres.2018.04.003
- Lechte, M.A., Wallace, M.W. & Hoffmann, K.H. (2018) Glacio-marine iron formation deposition in a c. 700 Ma glaciated margin: insights from the Chuos Formation, Namibia. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, SP475-2, doi: 10.1144/SP475.2
- Busigny, V., Planavsky, N.J., Goldbaum, E., Lechte, M.A., Feng, L. & Lyons, T.W. (2018) Origin of the Neoproterozoic Fulu iron formation, South China: Insights from iron isotopes and rare earth element patterns. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 242, p.123-142, doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.09.006
- Lechte, M. & Wallace, M. (2016) Sub–ice shelf ironstone deposition during the Neoproterozoic Sturtian glaciation. Geology, 44(11), p.891-894, doi: 10.1130/G38495.1
- Lechte, M.A. & Wallace, M.W. (2015) Sedimentary and tectonic history of the Holowilena Ironstone, a Neoproterozoic iron formation in South Australia. Sedimentary Geology, 329, p.211-224, doi: 10.1016/j.sedgeo.2015.09.014
PhD Thesis:
Cryogenian iron formations: glaciation and oxygenation
School of Earth Sciences, University of Melbourne (2019)
Supervisors: A/Prof Malcolm Wallace, Dr. Ashleigh van Smeerdijk Hood

All photos copyright of Maxwell Lechte.